Flute with Erika Andres [Class Hub]

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Erika Andres

I found a video on Romantic composers for the flute I thought would be nice to share with the group.  As we have been discussing, there are few solo works for flute (concertos and sonatas or flute alone for example, not including solos in a symphony or other orchestral works where there are many) during this time by major composers, but there are actually many by lesser known composers.  Many of these composers are flutists themselves, fitting the composer-virtuoso role that was so common at this time.  This video gives a brief intro to some of the many out there.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw67XWA83Dg.

One resource mentioned in the video is dPanther where many of the scores to this music is uploaded and where you can download them for free http://dpanther.fiu.edu/dpanther/items?aggcode=1&critera=~flute^ZZ.  This link takes you to dPanther with the search parameter "flute".  There are lots of results!

Pam Cooper
Erika Andres

Hi all,

I just thought I would let you know about a British flute podcast that I have been listening to recently, Talking Flutes.  It has a bunch of playing tips, interviews with flutists, and a lot more.  And some humor :)



Erika Andres

Lessonface is having some free group classes this April as part of their Lessonfest!  Including a couple for flute.  https://www.lessonface.com/lessonfest?fbclid=IwAR04JFeCuS_Qxv6EclwrLpv0nsGZiuSPh3Q6eaeiSCwWRaRz1hYJe-VLnVM.

Also, just a reminder that the free flute masterclass with the MET Opera is this Sunday at 2pm ET, should be really great!  https://www.lessonface.com/apply/met-orchestra-musicians-masterclasses

Erika Andres

Hi all, here is a great video from Music Minus Pain about "sitting up straight" when you are playing and how to really sit and play without pain.  https://musicminuspain.kartra.com/videopage/IumV02SjeAdT.  There is another video coming out next week too which you can get from the Music Minus Pain website or the Born Free, Playing Freer Facebook page.

Erika Andres

Hi everyone!  I thought I would go ahead and share with you those last couple of pieces by Gaubert here so we have plenty of time for Debussy and Ravel on Saturday!  

Here is a wonderful trio for flute, cello, and piano by Gaubert called Trois Aquarelles or Three Watercolors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2i0qhrsdyg.  It is in three movements and the second starts at 6:11 and the third at 10:50.  I love the whole thing but I especially love the last two movements.

And since we recently talked about Saint-Saens, here is a recording of Gaubert playing Saint-Saen's  Ascanio Variation de l'Amour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ9j8SWf_mU.  Quite technical and fun!

Erika Andres

Today we talked about two of the most famous French composers, Debussy and Ravel, who are INCREDIBLY important in the flute world.  If you weren't in class today, I highly encourage you to watch the recording!  And while we talked about the most important works they wrote, there are so many other amazing pieces, so I thought I would share some of my favorites in case you are looking for amazing compositions to listen to at your leisure.

Debussy wrote a really lovely sonata for flute, viola, and harp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI-wlmMNU6c.  Also, he wrote many famous solo piano pieces, some of which have quite popular flute arrangements like La fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl with Flaxen Hair) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iVdHa5E3UU (this recording is played by the famous early recording artist Rampal).  One other really nice piano work is his Arabesque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh36PaE-Pf0 (played on piano here not flute).  Finally, Debussy wrote a really neat piano duet, Petite Suite, which was made into a lovely orchestral piece with lots of flute solos by Henri Busser with Debussy's permission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxcxAYjDmsk.

Ravel wrote an interesting piano duet which he later orchestrated himself called Ma Mere l'Oye (the Mother Goose Suite) with movements based on famous children stories which contains a couple of famous piccolo solos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwZsrmxaAUU during Little Tom Thumb (3:50) and Laideronnette, Empress of the Pagodas (5:15).  He also wrote Piano Concerto in G, which while it features the piano ironically starts with a piccolo solo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSLgsg6NJKM.  Lastly, here is a neat duet between flute and soprano called La flute enchantee whose story comes from the tales of Arabian Nights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI-wlmMNU6c.

Finally, here is a great video about Debussy and the development of the flute and French flute music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5dZNFinTkA.

Erika Andres

Today we were talking about the fabulous composer Mel (Melanie) Bonis.  While her Sonata is the most famous among flute players, she wrote several other works with flute.  We looked at a few today, but here are a couple more. 

Here is a short but lovely flute and piano work called Piece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6lsgH5ukuM.

And here is Suite dans le style ancien for flute, violin, clarinet or viola, and piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNiNr4bljko.  There are four movements which each have separate recordings on YouTube, so just search for this name to find the others.


Erika Andres

The National Flute Association has more free online events coming up in case you are interested!  Some interesting topics.



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