Jessica Afable

Piano, Audio Recording and Music Production, DAWs, DJ Controllers, Electronic Music Composition, Home Studio Setup, Music Direction, Music Hardware Integration, Music Theory for Producers, Piano Composition, Podcast Production, Rekordbox, Serato DJ, Sight Reading, Soundtrap

Lesson Fees
from $20.00 / 30 Minutes


Jessica Afable is a piano, DJ, audio production, and voice teacher. Jessica graduated from Humboldt State University. She has been an elementary school music teacher in Carlsbad,California, instructing students from the pre K to 5th grade. Jessica has also been teaching piano, DJing, audio production, and voice at Guitar Center and privately for 3 years. Jessica has been a youth audio production instructor and curriculum designer for Women’s Audio Mission in San Francisco.

From a young age, Jessica Afable was brought up surrounded by music. Jessica is from a family of musicians and artists. She learned to play piano at the age of 6 and is trained in sight reading and music theory. Jessica has always been a music enthusiast/collector. She started DJing on vinyl in 2002, and has since hosted/DJ'd/MC a plethora of parties, radio shows, and art galleries from the Bay area down to Southern California. Jessica is an expert in Serato, Rekordbox, DJing and DJ equipment. Jessica is a digital music producer and is extremely knowledgeable in Ableton, Garageband, and other DAWs and studio equipement. Jessica is very well rounded in most music genres and has a impeccable ear for musical taste and sound direction.


Jessica has been in education for 10+ years and prides herself on understanding how individuals vary when it comes to the way they retain information. She is able able to adapt to people's specific needs and can tailor lesson plans accordingly. Jessica has created curriculum for elementary school music classes, individual piano lessons and voice lessons, after school audio production workshops, and more. She has worked with countless students. Jessica is confident in her ability to break musical theories and ideas down to be easily digestable by any student with any learning style.

Jessica can customize curriculum in:



-Music Theory and Theory for Audio Production





-Turntable DJing and Scratching

-Ableton Live


-Other various hardware and software


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